M.A. Students
1999-2001 Catherine Rottenberg, degree awarded with distinction.
“Shakespeare and Butler: A Repeat Performance.”
2001-2003 Kinneret Lahad, co-supervisor: Dr. Carola Hilfrich, degree awarded with distinction.
“On Pleas for Help and Narratives of Rescue in Contemporary Cinema” [Hebrew].
2003-2004 Daniela Mansbach, sole supervisor. Degree awarded with distinction.
“Protest on the Border: On the Power of Duality in Practices of Resistance Adopted by MachsomWatch” [Hebrew].
2005-2006 Gal Engelhard, co-supervisor: Dr. Naama Sheffy.
“Displaced Locales in the Discourse of Israeli Post-Memory: On the Reception of Two German Films in the Israeli Press 1979-1982” [Hebrew].
2005-2006 Noam Gal, co-supervisor: Dr. Carola Hilfrich, degree awarded with distinction.
“The Rights of Characters: Towards a Minor Theory” [Hebrew]
2006-2008 Nili Broyer, co-supervisor: Dr. Nissim Mizrachi.
“Stigma and Lack of Recognition from the Perspective of Disability Studies (Disability, Society, Culture)” [Hebrew]
2006 Dafna Ruppin, co-supervisor: Dr. Raya Morag.
““The Open Wound of Colonial Nostalgia: Childhood and Complicity in Chocolat and Outremer.”
2007-2010 Eyal Sagui Bizawe, co-supervisor: Professor Gabriel M. Rosenbaum.
“The Figure of the Jew in Egyptian Cinema between the Years 1948-1956” [Hebrew].
2009-2010 Norma Musih, sole supervisor. Degree awarded with distinction.
“Angels Over Manshiyeh: Three Practices of Ruination—A Visual Genealogy” [Hebrew].
2006-2011 Adi Barzillai Zacks, co-supervisor: Dr. Baruch Blich.
“’Starchitects’ Cities’: The Locality of the Global—The Consumption of the Light Rail Train (LRT) Bridge in Jerusalem” [Hebrew].
2007-2010 Omri Grinberg, co-supervisor: Dr. Edna Lomsky-Feder. Degree awarded with distinction.
“Children of the Junction: Body, Space and Class in Israeli Representations of Palestinian Child-Workers” [Hebrew].
Grinberg, Omri. 2014. “Israeli Narratives of the Palestinian ‘Children of the Junction’” in Children and Borders edited by Spyros Spyrou and Miranda Christou. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK.
2010-2011 Anna Bar-Eretz, co-supervisor: Professor Emily Budick
“The Golden Key: Fabulous Feats of Escapism in Michael Chabon’s novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.”
2011-2012 Danielle Shworts, co-supervisor: Dr. Tali Zilberstein.
“On Ruins: The Representation of the Palestinian Ruin in Israeli Cinema of the Nineteen Seventies” [Hebrew]
2010-2013 Yael Lazar, co-supervisor: Dr. Ronie Parciack.
“A Temple in the Palm of Your Hand: When Hindu Worship Meets the Mobile Phone.” [Hebrew]
2010-2013 Debby Farber, sole supervisor. Degree awarded with distinction.
“Ghosts in the Hula Valley: A Visual Genealogy of the Photographic Album ‘Song of the Dying Valley’” [Hebrew].
2011-2013 Gali Shapira, co-supervisor: Dr. Avihu Shoshana, degree awarded with distinction.
“A Politics of Little Knowledge: A Critical Perspective on the Place of ‘Learning Disabilities’ in the University” [Hebrew].
2012-2015 Diana Shehade, sole supervisor.
“Reading Spatial and Embodied Violation in Athol Fugard’s Tsotsi (1980).”
2013-2014 Yamit Shimon, co-supervisor: Dr. Sharon Aronson-Lehavi. Degree awarded with distinction.
“National and Gendered Alterity in the Space of Independence Park in Tel Aviv: Site-Specific Art as Spatial Analysis.” [Hebrew]
2013-2014 Hamutal Gouri, sole supervisor. Degree awarded with distinction.
“The Art of Poetry: Poetry as Political Agency.” [Hebrew]
2013-2015 Yiftach Ashkenazi, co-supervisor: Professor Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi. Degree awarded with distinction.
“The Joy of the Fictional: A New Reading of Anton Shamas’s Arabesques.” [Hebrew]
Ashkenazi, Yiftach. and Grinberg, Omri. 2019. “‘You Prefer Your Enemies Simple and Well Defined’: Reading Anton Shammas’ Arabesques as a Novel that Strategically Resists Interpellation.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 21.2. https://doi.org/10.7771/1481-4374.3576
2014-2014 Shimrit Baer, sole supervisor. Degree awarded with distinction.
“Resistance in Circulation: Zionist and Anti-Zionists Mobilizations of “Apartheid” as Trope and Mode of Reference, 1948-1980.”
2014-2015 Yair Hashachar, sole supervisor. Degree awarded with highest distinction.
“Miriam Makeba in Guinea - Deterritorializing History through Music.”
Hashachar, Y. 2017. “Playing the Backbeat in Conakry: Miriam Makeba and the Cultural Politics of Sékou Touré’s Guinea, 1968–1986” Social Dynamics 43.2: 259-273. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02533952.2017.1364467
Hashachar, Y. 2018. “Guinea Unbound: Performing Pan-African Cultural Citizenship between Algiers 1969 and the Guinean National Festivals,” Interventions 20.7: 1003-1021, https://doi.org/10.1080/1369801X.2018.1508932
2014-2016 Noa Ben-Sadia, co-supervisor: Professor Ruth Hacohen Pinchover.
“Shir Kushi: African American Spirituals in Israel during the 1950s and 1960s.” [Hebrew]
2016-2017 Gavin Beinart Smollan, co-supervisor Dr. Anat Helman.
“South African Jewish Community Cookbooks: Everyday Life and Culture under Apartheid, 1947-1994.”
Student awarded the Leon and Rose Barber Prize, The Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History, 2017; History of the Jewish People Graduate Award, Hebrew University, 2016; Kaete Klausner Foundation Scholarship, Hebrew University, 2014-2017).
2016-2019 Noa Erez, sole supervisor.
“Love in Terms of Hate": Interracial Intimacy in the Works of Peter Abrahams and Chester Himes.”
2018-2019 Alice Niyonkuru, co-supervisor, Dr. Amelia G. Weinreb.
“The Tension between State Governance in Burundi and Business Growth for Young Entrepreneurs.”
2019 Neta Polizer, second supervisor Freie Universität Berlin. First supervisor, Professor Dr. Stefan Weber.
“Identities and The Hurufiyya Movement—Postcolonial Discourse in The Art of The Arabic Letter.”
2019-2021 Dalia Abu Sbitan, co-supervisor, Dr. Karin Berkman.
“Coming to Terms: Representations of the After-Man in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace (1999) and Slow Man (2005)”
Work in Progress
2019 Hiba Kurdi, sole supervisor.
2021 Noga Eliash Zalmanovich, co-supervisor Dr. Lea Taragin-Zeller. (Preliminary research student: משלימה למחקר).
2021 Tamir Haj Ali, sole supervisor.
2021 Sivan Steiner, co-supervisor pending agreement of Prof. Bat-Sheva Margalit Stern.
2021 Liel Magen, sole supervisor
2021 Rafi Barkan Bocarsly, sole supervisor
2021 Inbal Rottenberg, co-supervisor Dr Yael Berda.
Ph.D. Students
2002-2005 Catherine Rottenberg, co-supervisor: Professor Shlomith Rimmon- Kenan.
Identification and Desire in Early Twentieth-Century African- and Jewish-American Literature.
Rottenberg, Catherine. 2008. Performing Americanness: Race, Class, and Gender in Modern African-American and Jewish-American Literature. (Hanover, NJ: Dartmouth College Press).
2007 – 2010 Noam Leshem, Second supervisor of Ph.D. dissertation. First Supervisor: Anthony Julius. The London Consortium. Taking Place: Spatial History in Israel and the Case of Salama / Kefar Shalem, Degree awarded February 2010.
Leshem, Noam. 2007. Life After Ruin: The Struggles over Israel’s Depopulated Arab Spaces. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
2008-2011 Nicky Falkof, Second supervisor of Ph.D. dissertation. First Supervisor, Barry Curtis. The London Consortium, Noam Leshem, Second supervisor of Ph.D. dissertation, First Supervisor: Anthony Julius. The London Consortium, The End of Whiteness: Cultural Pathologies in Late Apartheid South Africa.
Falkof, Nicky. 2015. Satanism and Family Murder in Late Apartheid South Africa: Imagining the End of Whiteness. (London: Palgrave Macmillan).
2013-2019 Roni Mikel Arieli, co-supervisor: Prof. Amos Goldberg.
Remembering the Holocaust in the Apartheid State: The Memory of the Destruction of European Jewry in South African Culture and Discourse, 1948-1994. [Hebrew].
Arieli, Roni Mikel. 2019."Reading the Diary of Anne Frank on Robben Island: On the Role of Holocaust Memory in Ahmed Kathrada's Struggle against Apartheid," Journal of Jewish Identities, 12(2): 175-95. doi:10.1353/jji.2019.0018.
Arieli, Roni Mikel “Ahmed Kathrada in Post-War Europe: Holocaust Memory and Apartheid South Africa (1951-1952).” African Identities
17(1): 1-17, doi: 10.1080/14725843.2019.1607718.
Arieli, R. M. (2019) “Between Apartheid, the Holocaust and the Nakba: Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s Pilgrimage to Israel-Palestine (1989) and the Emergence of an Analogical Lexicon,” Journal of Genocide Research, DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2019.1673606
2015-2021 Yair Hashachar, co-supervisor: Professor Edwin Seroussi. Producing Musical Pan-Africanism: On the Continental Circulation of Music in Postcolonial Africa, 1960s–1990s.
Student held Azrieli Scholarship, 2018-2021.
2015-2021 Daniel Salem, co-supervisor: Professor Moshe Sluhovsky.
Globalizing Nkrumaism: Ideological Flows in Cosmopolitan Ghana
Ph.D. Supervision in Progress
2015-present Byron Sherman, co-supervisor: Professor Isabel Hofmeyr; School of Languages and Literature, University of the Witwatersrand.
2020-present Rony Ohad, co-supervisor: Dr. Gili Hammer.
Post-Doctoral Visitors
2013-2014 Dr. Nina Fischer. Erasmus Mundus Action II Consortium Postdoctoral Fellow.
2014-2015, 05-11/2017
Dr. Rotem Giladi, European Research Fellowship Consolidators’ Grant “Apartheid—The Global Itinerary: South African Cultural Formations in Transnational Circulation, 1948-1990.”
2014-2015 Dr. Ayala Levin, European Research Fellowship Consolidators’ Grant “Apartheid—The Global Itinerary: South African Cultural Formations in Transnational Circulation, 1948-1990.”
2014-2018 Dr. Tal Zalmanovich, European Research Fellowship Consolidators’ Grant “Apartheid—The Global Itinerary: South African Cultural Formations in Transnational Circulation, 1948-1990.”
2015-2016 Dr. Sarika Talve-Goodman, European Research Fellowship Consolidators’ Grant “Apartheid—The Global Itinerary: South African Cultural Formations in Transnational Circulation, 1948-1990.”
2015-2017 Dr. Samuel Barnai, European Research Fellowship Consolidators’ Grant “Apartheid—The Global Itinerary: South African Cultural Formations in Transnational Circulation, 1948-1990.”
2015-2018 Dr. Karin Berkman, 2015-2018, European Research Fellowship Consolidators’ Grant “Apartheid—The Global Itinerary: South African Cultural Formations in Transnational Circulation, 1948-1990.”
2017-2018 Dr. Tal Sela, European Research Fellowship Consolidators’ Grant “Apartheid—The Global Itinerary: South African Cultural Formations in Transnational Circulation, 1948-1990.”